Can you make glasses cleaner yourself?

Homemade eyewear cleaning solution

Many glasses wearers are looking for affordable or environmentally friendly alternatives to glasses cleaners and are wondering if it is possible to make an effective cleaner themselves. In this blog post, we will explore the question: Can you make glasses cleaner yourself? We will take a look at possible DIY solutions and explain why caution is advised when it comes to homemade cleaning agents for glasses.

The challenge of making eyeglass cleaners at home

Technically speaking, it is possible to make a homemade glasses cleaner by mixing water with a mild detergent. However, caution is advised, as many commercial cleaning products are designed for general household use and may contain potentially harmful ingredients. For lenses, nose pads, and coatings, these ingredients can cause permanent damage.

The Risks of Homemade Glasses Cleaners

Most commercially available dishwashing liquids contain aggressive, alcoholic, or acidic ingredients that can be dangerous for eyeglass lenses. Without expertise, it is difficult to determine whether a cleaning agent contains such ingredients or not. For this reason, it is advised against making your own eyeglass cleaner to avoid unwanted damage.

Trust in special lens cleaners for optimal results

Special glasses cleaners, such as the Eyeshaker cleaning tablets, are specifically designed for the delicate surfaces of lenses and frames. They do not contain harmful ingredients that could damage your glasses. These cleaners have been developed and tested by experts to ensure effective cleaning while maintaining the quality and longevity of your glasses.

Do you want a safe and effective cleaning for your glasses? Learn more about our professional glasses cleaners and discover a wide selection of products specifically designed for glasses wearers. Click here to explore our range and order today!